What are the Astrological Factors behind Marriage Delay?

What are the Astrological Factors behind Marriage Delay?
4 October 2016/ Astrologer/ 143 Comments

Marriage is the most auspicious occasion that connects the two different personalities with each other. It’s a social ritual where a man and a woman give the life time commitment to live with each other. Marriage in India is considered as one of the most awaited ceremonies where two families from different background come closer and celebrate it with pleasure, joy and enthusiasm.  

Indian parents follow various traditions and cultures to get the marriage done. First of all, marriage proposals are sent to both the families. If the proposal is accepted from both the sides, then horoscope matchmaking is done to know the level of compatibility the couple will share after marriage; and accordingly, other ceremonies are carried out. However, sometimes it happens that even after getting so many marriage proposals, some boys and girls couldn’t find the suitable match and hence, problems occur in their marriage. Several times, their marriage gets delayed due to the horoscope matchmaking problem and other times, it happens because of the astrological factors.

Let’s get to know about the astrological factors that serve as the main cause behind delay in marriage:

  1. If the planet Mars doesn’t leave the 8th position in your horoscope, it can delay your marriage.
  2. If the planet Saturn is in the aspect of Sun and the planet Venus is also associated with Saturn, your marriage can be delayed.
  3. If both the planet Moon and Saturn sits together in 1st, 2nd, 7th or 11th house of your horoscope, it can badly affect the marriage delay.
  4. If both the planet Mars and Venus sits together in the 5th, 7th or 9th house of your horoscope, your marriage can be delayed.
  5. If both the planet Mars and Venus is squared by Jupiter, it can keep you away from meeting the love of your life.
  6. Your marriage could be delayed if your horoscope says that the planet Venus and 7th lord are affected by Saturn.
  7. If the 6th and 8th position in your horoscope is occupied by Mars and Saturn planet respectively, it can serve as the major factor behind delaying your marriage.
  8. Your marriage can be delayed if the planet Saturn occupies the position in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th or 11th house of your horoscope.
  9. Another major reason behind the marriage delay could be when Rahu and Saturn comes together to occupy the position in 1st, 3rd or 11th house of your horoscope.

If you are still not able to find the exact cause behind your marriage delay, you can try contacting the best Indian astrologer in London. An astrologer will help you to follow some remedies to resolve the marriage delay problems.